Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

Ep25 - Chronic Illness & Fatigue, The Power of Mindset for Healing, Regulating our Nervous System Changes EVERYTHING

The power of mindset, our thoughts and our internal dialogue are so powerful and incredibly important, way more than we often think. Majority of us nowadays are unfortunately overstimulated, with dysregulated nervous systems, a negative mindset, struggling with chronic fatigue, trauma and no real knowledge on how to release, heal and free ourselves from all of it, or at least how to start... 


Especially if you live in North America (western society/culture), you likely might be able to identify or resonate with the burn out and extreme exhaustion that comes from the hustle culture and 'go go go' mentality of our society. OR, maybe you're actually unaware of the fact you're living in a state of constant survival mode and running yourself into the ground on a daily basis...


On todays episode I have the honour of chatting with Theresa, who is an EFT Practitioner and Chronic Illness Coach. She has gone through her own difficult battles with chronic Lyme disease/MCAS/CFS/gastroparesis, that she shares "where my best options were feeding through a port in my heart and I KNEW there had to be another way. This is when I threw up my hands and instead of trying to fight with my experience, I started to train my brain to find any relief I could grasp. This led me down an interesting path of un-learning so much of what I had been told about diet/nutrition & what allows the body to heal to bring me back home to what my body/nervous system was really needing."


This discussion is incredibly special and close to my heart, because I myself have struggled with chronic pain and injuries, unknown health issues ultimately caused by chronic debilitating stress and know what it's like to be so burnt out that my nervous system feels like it's attacking itself. Even if you can't relate to any of what you just read, I guarantee this episode will in some way open your eyes to how you're living your life and how you can adopt and embrace more slowness and healing into your days, it would benefit ALL of us. Enjoy xo

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