Monday Sep 04, 2023

Ep26 - My Journey Through 12+ Months of Intense Chronic Pain, A Mystery Injury and What it Taught Me

The literal journey and story of where it all started for me. This was a vulnerable and deep share, but I thought it was necessary! If you've ever experienced chronic pain or a chronic injury (maybe mystery pain, or an undiagnosable chronic injury because all tests keep coming back negative), or maybe you're currently experiencing something of that sort, my heart goes out to you. It is probably one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, no actually it IS the hardest thing I've ever experienced. 


In this episode, I share my journey through over 12 months of chronic pain in my lower stomach, that no one could tell me what the cause of it was, not until about a year later at least... I saw multiple doctors, had numerous tests done, sat in ER waiting rooms, had needles shoved into my arms for CT scans and MRI's, all to tell me there was 'nothing wrong with me'. So then why was I in such terrible pain that I could barely get out of bed, shower or go for a walk without agony? 


This story, this journey, ultimately is what led me towards the darkest days of my life, and forced me to grow THROUGH it all, it is what led me to where I am today. I recall every part of this story, how it started, what triggered it and how I spent the next 12+ months trying to heal, find peace within and stay afloat. It totally transformed me, and I would not be the woman I am today without this chronic pain journey... I am not my story, but damn did it teach me a lot.


I hope this episode not only gives you hope and a sense of purpose, for if you're going through something similar, it is likely teaching you something and making you stronger, but also because I hope it shows you that you are not your past or your situations. There is always a way for us to take back our power and find the light in the darkness. This was a vulnerable share and story to rehash in my own mind and life, but I thought it was necessary to fully dive into the details so you can see what led me towards this life of finally healing my relationship to food and my body, healing my inner wounds, discovering self love and ultimately being able to create the life I truly love and deserve. You can do all of this too, and it doesn't have to take an injury or a big wake up call to take those first few steps.


As always, you can feel free to reach out to me on IG via DM (@marisahopeee), if this story resonated for you, or simply if you have questions about working together or the resources I provide to women looking to regain their power and live their best lives. We are in this together! Thank you for listening queens xo

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