Monday Oct 16, 2023

Ep28 - The Trap Of External Validation, When We Base Our Worth In How Productive We Are, The Illusions Of ’Success’

Who here is tired of feeling like you're not enough? Either you don't *have* enough, you're not *doing* enough, you're not *making* enough money, you're not *thin* enough, you're not *successful* enough, you're not *worthy* enough... The list goes on.


This, has been my internal world for the last several months. Constantly feeling like it's never enough, and that I'M not enough. It's been weighing heavy on me.


The thing is, I KNOW that these are all part of societies perfectly crafted plan of keeping us insecure, stuck, scared, and living from a place of lack so that we constantly search for things to fill that void. Society wants us to believe we need MORE, in order to finally be happy or worthy or free. It's all a sham...


And here I am, trying to break out of that mindset and cycle, so I can feel enough just as I am.


For me personally, these internal conflicts majority of the time come up around my business and how much I'm doing or making, and it's taken a SERIOUS tole on my mental health, so here I am, trying to rewrite the script so that I can learn to live from a place of abundance, instead of leading from a place of lack.


Who else is embarking on this journey? Maybe you've felt burnt out recently and are realizing that your mental health is more important than how much you make or how many things you buy or how many people validate you. What if this sense of 'enoughness' came from the only place that truly could fill the void, our own internal love for ourselves?


So here I am, in this episode mostly just getting some things off my chest, sharing with you all that I too am still learning and waking up to these new beliefs, and doing my best to navigate a life that is more aligned with me so I can truly find fulfillment and fill my own cup up, instead of constantly seeking external validation or 'things' to fill me up temporarily. It's a gruelling journey, but we're in this together. 


**If this episode resonates with you, I would LOVE to hear your own personal stories or view points, you can also start a convo with me on my IG @marisahopeee - and I have many blog posts / resources on my website that support these ideas of breaking free in ALL ways, so let's connect! xo

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