The Hope Wellness Podcast

Do you struggle with body image, feeling consumed by diet culture and like you can’t seem to break free from all the toxic mindsets? In each episode I bring on guests who have experienced diet culture first hand, whether it’s their own journey of how they broke free from unrealistic societal standards or how they’ve chosen to gain their own knowledge and expertise to help other women learn more about nourishment, true health and healing our inner wounds that help us take back our power. This podcast is dedicated to helping all women gain insight and empowerment towards loving exactly who you are and how to nourish your body for life, these conversations needs to be heard, and we’re here to share our voice so that YOU can break free and get back to trusting and loving your body, just as it is.

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Tuesday Jan 09, 2024

If you're listening to this before Jan 11th, you are SO lucky because that means there is still time to grab the Holistic Health Bundle - the most incredible resource right now that is full of ebooks and courses (130+ to be more precise), that are full of knowledge and value to help you truly thrive, heal and empower yourself this year!
I was lucky enough (truly honoured by this opportunity) to team up with over 100 health creators, coaches, holistic practitioners and doctors in this space to collectively put this bundle together - we all contributed a resource of our own, to gift it to you for 99% off ($8900+ worth of resources for only $50...) so that you can truly take back your power and your HEALTH this year and going forward.
Once you purchase the bundle, you can download all the resources as you'd like and pick the topics you're most interested in - you will have these ebooks for LIFE, meaning you will have a full fountain of knowledge around healing yourself, living a more holistic lifestyle and  feeling your best.
I am SO excited to offer this to you, and I believe with my whole heart it will truly change your life (there is more info and testimonials at the link - use it to grab your bundle) xo
OR, email me: / DM me on Instagram: @marisahopeee - with any questions or info about the bundle!
**if you're reading this after the bundle has expired, don't worry there will be more resources available for you at a later time, just keep your eyes peeled!**

Monday Dec 18, 2023

**TW: Talk of Eating Disorders**
Welcome back beautiful humans, to another special episode and this time with a very special guest! Carly Rose joins me to talk all things food freedom, recovering from an ED, our similar journeys towards finding more peace with food and our bodies, how we slowly healed ourselves from the inside out and cultivated a life we truly love with more balance, self compassion and empowerment.
Carly Rose (IG: @rewildcarlyrose) is a wellness coach who specializes in quantum health & regenerative living, and is also a huge advocate for food freedom, finding balance in your life and supporting nervous system regulation.
We dive deep into the areas that ultimately set us free and how we got there when it comes to finally ditching the extreme diets, finding true self confidence and taking our power back in our lives. Which is what YOU also deserve.
I cannot wait to share this episode with you, AND a very exclusive offer near the end - we have collaborated with 100+ creators, health professionals, and holistic practitioners to create a special holiday Holistic Health Bundle that includes 130+ ebooks, resources, guides and courses all designed to help you in your own journey - this bundle is worth $9000+ and you'll be able to get it all for only $50... INSANE RIGHT!
Head to my website for more information about the bundle, and subscribe to be the first to know when it launches Jan 1st for a limited time!  

Tuesday Nov 21, 2023

Welcome queen!
Here you'll find a very short but effective reflection exercise to help with your body image perspective and to use when you're having a tough body image day.
Perspective is EVERYTHING. Take the time to really close your eyes and visualize all the things you're grateful for that your body does for you and remember how much your body does for you.
When we can zoom out and remind ourselves what TRULY matters in our life, we realize that the narratives around our body's are usually just a story that society told us to keep us unhappy, insecure and never fully living. Don't let life pass you by, and don't waste another day or moment worrying about what your body looks like.
Societal norms are just a story - dont buy in.
Your body was never the problem - it's society that is the problem. LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday Nov 09, 2023

Here are the top 5 things I see women who are thriving, healthy and empowered doing and having in common - I myself can vouch for this list, because not only have I committed my routines around these areas, but I also help my clients focus and place intention around these 5 simple areas and it always leads to feeling your best and like your most bad ass self.
The Fed Girl Online Course Details:
Trust me - when it comes to healthy routines, trying to feel your best or working towards your own healing journey, it really doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, if it IS causing stress or overwhelm, if it's too extreme or if you just KNOW you cannot maintain what you're doing - chances are it's causing more harm than good.
As women, we need to feel safe, nurtured, nourished and abundant in order to truly thrive in our lives, in our bodies and in our own minds.
Don't get so caught up in only trying to lose weight, or only try to shrink your body, that you forget about what it means to TRULY live and embody a healthy lifestyle - a smaller body does not always equal more health, more happiness or more confidence (in fact, going to extremes to shrink yourself can often cause negative consequences for a lot of women, especially when that is your MAIN or only focus)
If you're ever in doubt about your routines or habits you're implementing - ask yourself these questions:
-do I genuinely enjoy this or what I'm doing?
-do I feel like I can maintain this and keep doing this for the next several years, if not my whole life?
-does this feel supportive, empowering or fun for me?
-do I get MORE out of this habit or routine in my life?
-does this fit realistically into my current lifestyle (is it manageable? does it make sense for me?)
-if I were to do this for the rest of my life, how would it make me feel / where would it lead me?
As always - continue to stay nourished, focus on empowering routines and know that extremes never work.
Reach out to me via DM on IG @marisahopeee with any questions - and if you'd like to check out more details around the online course, check it out here:
love ya!! xo

Tuesday Nov 07, 2023

I literally couldn't believe my eyes when I opened up instagram and saw the reel of a fitness influencers account telling women how much cardio they would have to do to work off different types of candy and chocolate... 
*The year is 2003, toxic Fitness influencers are running rampant spreading hot dumpster fire trash advice all over the internet and promoting disordered eating by telling everyone to fear food & how to ‘bURn iT oFf’ on a fckn treadmill*Oh wait, ha, just kidding the year is actually 2023 and toxic diet culture is more alive than ever 😂😅🥲😓💀 Genuinely cannot believe this stuff still exists, it’s alarming to say the least… 😫Stay safe out there 🙏🏼 and remember this:- you never need to earn your food- movement should not be punishment or used to ‘burn off’ what you ate, ever- balance creates a kick ass lifestyle- you can unfollow icky profiles that make you feel bad- just because someone with a six pack said it, doesn’t make it true or helpful or healthy 😬What’s the most toxic advice you’ve ever received or seen on social media? 👇🏼 this’ll be interesting 😅 msg me on IG @marisahopeee and let me know!
As always, you can reach out to me to inquire about working together or get more details about my newly launched Fed Girl Online Course at my website where we dive into ALL the areas you need to thrive, empower yourself and feel confident AF in your nourishment! - 

Tuesday Oct 24, 2023

Welcome back queens - Let's dive into my highly anticipated online course LAUNCH - most specifically who it's for, what's included and what you'll learn within the community.
**The official launch date for the course is OCT 27 - so if you're listening to this ON or BEFORE Oct 27, make sure you snag the early bird discount (you can do so on my website by watching my FREE masterclass here: *if you're listening to this AFTER Oct 27, don't worry you can still access the course and join our community! **
I have been in this space of health and wellness for over 7+ years now. I have seen it all, trust me. And the more I dive into this work with women all around the world, I see how needed it is. How much the majority of women struggle with things like restrictive eating patterns, fear around food, body dysmorphia, fixation on the scale, low self confidence and believing they're only beautiful, worthy or capable if they're in a smaller body.
This narrative that keeps us stuck, insecure and in fear needs to end, and I realized that I am only one human, unfortunately I cannot help everyone on a one on one basis (although I would love to). But I need to practice my own boundaries and energetic needs as well, something I believe we should ALL be doing, because we are also not here to just work ourselves to the bone.
So the solution? In comes the Fed Girl Online Course. The first of it's kind within my women's community and coaching business, to help facilitate exactly what I guide my clients through, in a self paced and more accessible format. I wanted to tell you exactly what we cover, what each module will include and how it will help you evolve in your own healing journey.
As always, you can reach out to me via email ( or IG @marisahopeee with any questions about the course, about working with me 1:1 or if you just want to connect! I'm happy to share more of this work with you and help you live a life you truly THRIVE in. xo

Monday Oct 16, 2023

Who here is tired of feeling like you're not enough? Either you don't *have* enough, you're not *doing* enough, you're not *making* enough money, you're not *thin* enough, you're not *successful* enough, you're not *worthy* enough... The list goes on.
This, has been my internal world for the last several months. Constantly feeling like it's never enough, and that I'M not enough. It's been weighing heavy on me.
The thing is, I KNOW that these are all part of societies perfectly crafted plan of keeping us insecure, stuck, scared, and living from a place of lack so that we constantly search for things to fill that void. Society wants us to believe we need MORE, in order to finally be happy or worthy or free. It's all a sham...
And here I am, trying to break out of that mindset and cycle, so I can feel enough just as I am.
For me personally, these internal conflicts majority of the time come up around my business and how much I'm doing or making, and it's taken a SERIOUS tole on my mental health, so here I am, trying to rewrite the script so that I can learn to live from a place of abundance, instead of leading from a place of lack.
Who else is embarking on this journey? Maybe you've felt burnt out recently and are realizing that your mental health is more important than how much you make or how many things you buy or how many people validate you. What if this sense of 'enoughness' came from the only place that truly could fill the void, our own internal love for ourselves?
So here I am, in this episode mostly just getting some things off my chest, sharing with you all that I too am still learning and waking up to these new beliefs, and doing my best to navigate a life that is more aligned with me so I can truly find fulfillment and fill my own cup up, instead of constantly seeking external validation or 'things' to fill me up temporarily. It's a gruelling journey, but we're in this together. 
**If this episode resonates with you, I would LOVE to hear your own personal stories or view points, you can also start a convo with me on my IG @marisahopeee - and I have many blog posts / resources on my website that support these ideas of breaking free in ALL ways, so let's connect! xo

Friday Sep 08, 2023

In this episode, it's all about my own self reflection journey AND things that will likely help you in your own. 6 things I wish I could tell my younger self when I first embarked on my own healing journey over 5+ years ago. As someone who has been on this journey for many years, and now helps other women do the same when it comes to healing and taking back their power… these nuggets of insight and reflection really are the foundational pieces of what I think would have helped me SO much in my journey.
I hope by sharing these insights, it will help you reflect on where you're at in your own journey, and hopefully provide some reassurance, and if anything, some support and clarity on continuing to move forward even when it might feel hard to do so!
Some of the areas I share (in this order), so you can better understand what to expect from the episode are as follows:
1. It’s going to feel hard sometimes, that is okay, that is normal.
2. You can trust your hunger, you can trust your body
3. You are not a statue, your body is meant to change
4. Dont forget about the ‘fun’ part of your journey!
5. Discovering yourself and getting to know yourself more is the direct result of you prioritizing your healing
6. Find support you trust and can lean on
I hope these reminders and self reflections helped, and as always you can always ask questions or connect with me via IG DM @marisahopeee xo

Monday Sep 04, 2023

The literal journey and story of where it all started for me. This was a vulnerable and deep share, but I thought it was necessary! If you've ever experienced chronic pain or a chronic injury (maybe mystery pain, or an undiagnosable chronic injury because all tests keep coming back negative), or maybe you're currently experiencing something of that sort, my heart goes out to you. It is probably one of the hardest things I have ever gone through, no actually it IS the hardest thing I've ever experienced. 
In this episode, I share my journey through over 12 months of chronic pain in my lower stomach, that no one could tell me what the cause of it was, not until about a year later at least... I saw multiple doctors, had numerous tests done, sat in ER waiting rooms, had needles shoved into my arms for CT scans and MRI's, all to tell me there was 'nothing wrong with me'. So then why was I in such terrible pain that I could barely get out of bed, shower or go for a walk without agony? 
This story, this journey, ultimately is what led me towards the darkest days of my life, and forced me to grow THROUGH it all, it is what led me to where I am today. I recall every part of this story, how it started, what triggered it and how I spent the next 12+ months trying to heal, find peace within and stay afloat. It totally transformed me, and I would not be the woman I am today without this chronic pain journey... I am not my story, but damn did it teach me a lot.
I hope this episode not only gives you hope and a sense of purpose, for if you're going through something similar, it is likely teaching you something and making you stronger, but also because I hope it shows you that you are not your past or your situations. There is always a way for us to take back our power and find the light in the darkness. This was a vulnerable share and story to rehash in my own mind and life, but I thought it was necessary to fully dive into the details so you can see what led me towards this life of finally healing my relationship to food and my body, healing my inner wounds, discovering self love and ultimately being able to create the life I truly love and deserve. You can do all of this too, and it doesn't have to take an injury or a big wake up call to take those first few steps.
As always, you can feel free to reach out to me on IG via DM (@marisahopeee), if this story resonated for you, or simply if you have questions about working together or the resources I provide to women looking to regain their power and live their best lives. We are in this together! Thank you for listening queens xo

Tuesday Jul 18, 2023

The power of mindset, our thoughts and our internal dialogue are so powerful and incredibly important, way more than we often think. Majority of us nowadays are unfortunately overstimulated, with dysregulated nervous systems, a negative mindset, struggling with chronic fatigue, trauma and no real knowledge on how to release, heal and free ourselves from all of it, or at least how to start... 
Especially if you live in North America (western society/culture), you likely might be able to identify or resonate with the burn out and extreme exhaustion that comes from the hustle culture and 'go go go' mentality of our society. OR, maybe you're actually unaware of the fact you're living in a state of constant survival mode and running yourself into the ground on a daily basis...
On todays episode I have the honour of chatting with Theresa, who is an EFT Practitioner and Chronic Illness Coach. She has gone through her own difficult battles with chronic Lyme disease/MCAS/CFS/gastroparesis, that she shares "where my best options were feeding through a port in my heart and I KNEW there had to be another way. This is when I threw up my hands and instead of trying to fight with my experience, I started to train my brain to find any relief I could grasp. This led me down an interesting path of un-learning so much of what I had been told about diet/nutrition & what allows the body to heal to bring me back home to what my body/nervous system was really needing."
This discussion is incredibly special and close to my heart, because I myself have struggled with chronic pain and injuries, unknown health issues ultimately caused by chronic debilitating stress and know what it's like to be so burnt out that my nervous system feels like it's attacking itself. Even if you can't relate to any of what you just read, I guarantee this episode will in some way open your eyes to how you're living your life and how you can adopt and embrace more slowness and healing into your days, it would benefit ALL of us. Enjoy xo


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